Thursday, October 18, 2018

I am Enki and so are you!

This article is about the sharing of consciousness. 

Have you ever encountered 2 people....both of whom claim to have been the same person in a past life?  Usually a FAMOUS person or a HISTORICAL person, of course.

Of course, when one encounters a couple of these people, one’s mind starts to say, “Which person is the REAL incarnation of this Past Life?”  For instance, if one finds Nancy and Debbie both claiming to have been the female Pharoah Hatshepsut in a past life, one starts looking at Nancy and Debbie and trying to figure out who is more credible.

It is true that many people latch onto a famous historic or mythical personage because it reminds them of their inner experiences and past life memories.  Some of them identify with Queens or Kings or famous religious leaders or other famous people because it gives them a boost in confidence or self-esteem, or for other reasons....perhaps they want to develop the traits that the past life personage was famous for!  Or perhaps they were someone very similar, or close, to that being,

Atasha Fyfe, a past-life regressionist, speaks about why people, in her experience, sometimes remember being a famous historical or mythological person here:

But that’s not what I’m talking about.  I’m also not talking about the theory of “shards,” or any kind of “splitting” of a soul into parts or fragments.  I’m not talking about “twin souls” or “twin flames.”  I’m not talking about “walk-in’s.”

I agree with Shaman Imelda Almqvist  when she says: “You could never incarnate successfully with only half a soul,” and I will extend that to say that any fraction of a soul cannot incarnate successfully.  Each incarnating soul must be WHOLE to incarnate at all!

But what is a Soul?  For me, it is our immortal self, that never is born, and never dies.  It holds all of our experiences and it is enriched by them.

"At the end of the reincarnational cycle, the whole self is far more developed than it was before. It has realized and experienced itself in a dimension of reality unknown to it earlier, and in doing so, has of course increased its being."

                       --Seth Speaks, Session 556, Page 192

So, according to Seth, a Soul (whole self) can “increase its being.”  It can GROW! 

And HOW does it GROW?  According to Seth:

"You must realize that your personal self grows as naturally out of that universe as, in other terms, any star does, or any flower, or any oak leaf. You are a part of that system. AND WHEN YOU SEND OUT A PLEA, YOU DO INDEED SET THE UNIVERSE IN MOTION, SO THAT THE PLEA IS ANSWERED! And so do you also send help to others, often even when you are not aware of it, as a flower sends out help to someone simply because it is beautiful…” being beautiful, by being naturally ourselves, we grow....and can then help others! Seth always stresses: THE POWER IS IN THE PRESENT.  The Soul (which is outside of Time) can express itself through our individual incarnation and work for the good of all, according to free will.  And it can play, enjoying its creativity and just living life with joie de vivre!

The closest thing to what I want to describe is called “multiple simultaneous incarnation.”  It is when a soul reincarnates many times in the SAME TIME FRAME.  The only time I’ve found it discussed is in studies of indigenous tribes, like this:

“Belief in the possibility that one person can return in or as several people at once, or multiple simultaneous reincarnation, is most widely reported for the Inuit and for some of the Northwest Coast peoples.  Among the Inuit the same person is sometimes said to be reborn in different communities.  Among the northern Northwest Coast peoples, contemporary belief in multiple reincarnation of the same person in the same community is common.  Belief in simultaneous reincarnation has been reported for the Haida (Blackman 1982, Stevenson 1974), Tlingit (de Laguna 1972), and Gitksan (Mills 1988a, 1988b).  It has also been reported for the Coast Salish (Mills 1988a: 44).  On the northwest coast the belief in multiple simultaneous reincarnation also reflects that many people would like to have a highly esteemed person return in their midst.  It is often considered impolitic to deny the claim of one's lineage members that the esteemed individual has also returned to their midst.  One chief held names in 5 houses.”

-Amerindian Rebirth: Reincarnation Belief among North American Indians and Inuit
by Antonia Curtze Mills, Richard Slobodin (page 28)

These multiple simultaneous reincarnations seemed to have happened when the tribe had special need for the traits of the incarnating soul.  (One could say, the tribe had need of that special natural “beauty”!!)

Of course, one could say that Multiple Simultaneous Reincarnations happen when the SOUL needs it, order to have the most possible experiences that cause it to GROW because of the potential of the TIME FRAME! 

And so it is with Enki.  Even though he’s been around for a long long time, he still has much to learn.  And how better to do it than to send out Aspects of himself to incarnate through Time, and also, at the same Time.  And he has.....lots and lots and lots!  In fact, I estimate that there are thousands of aspects of Enki in this world at this time!  Maybe hundreds of thousands.  Maybe more than that.

Another way to explain this phenomenon is called “Aspect Psychology,” which is a theory of consciousness developed by Jane Roberts and described in her books, Adventures in Consciousness and Psychic Politics.  Her fictional writing, The Oversoul Seven Trilogy, explores Aspect Psychology through three novels about an “Oversoul” and the Aspects of that Oversoul and how they interact.

"Oversoul" is a term that was first used by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Jane Roberts used it to describe an individual consciousness operating beyond time and space that projects itself into time and space in order to explore those systems.  It projects Aspects of itself, each a “whole,” each a unique individual.

Seth (the entity channeled by Jane Roberts) always stressed that “The Present is the Point of Power.”  According to him, all TIME (including past and future) exists in the NOW.  The Soul (or Oversoul) projects different Aspects in order to explore and grow from seeing things from each unique point-of-view.  These Aspects can be projected through different Timelines, and they can be projected WITHIN the SAME TIMELINE.

The idea of “Counterparts” is also covered in the Seth Material....and can easily happen in the same Timeline.  The Soul easily projects versions of itself into the “time-space continuum.”  And sometimes those versions meet and recognize their Counterpart relationship.

“(Seth’s words) So, counterparts exist, in your terms, at any given time in hisotry; and so are you indeed related, and there are no strangers, in deeper terms, upon the face of the Earth.

“You form your history.  You form your reality, and no one is thrust into a position which first was not accepted as a challenge.  And so you work out your problems and your challenges in whatever way you choose.....You have comrades, and you come, in your terms, to the Earth in a given time and place of your choice; and so do you reap and form the great challenges of your age.

“You are each individuals.  You are each yourselves.”

So, we wondered, after Seth withdrew, does this mean that you could literally have hundreds of counterparts?  “What if you ended up being every soldier in the whole Roman army?” Rob laughed. 
–Susan M. Watkins, Conversations with Seth: Book Two

One could say that the means of projection from the Soul (or Oversoul)  is similar to the projection of a Hologram.  If you cut a Hologram in half, each half contains whole views of the entire holographic image. The same is true if you cut out a small piece --- even a tiny fragment will still contain the whole picture.  Like a Soul, the image (I-Mage) of a Hologram cannot be split, but only multiplied.

Since each point in the object illuminates all of the hologram, the whole object can be reconstructed from a small part of the hologram. Thus, a hologram can be broken up into small pieces and each one will enable the whole of the original object to be imaged. One does, however, lose information and the spatial resolution gets worse as the size of the hologram is decreased — the image becomes "fuzzier". The field of view is also reduced, and the viewer will have to change position to see different parts of the scene.

This concept was brought home to me as I was reading about Berta Cáceres Flores, a Honduran who was martyred for protecting Rivers and Forests.  On the webpage of activists honoring her, they declare, “She didn’t die; she multiplied.”

In the book Inanna Returns, the author V.S. Ferguson posits that many of the Anunnaki (with the help of the “Snake people”) began to project themselves through time and space.  According to the book, they did this in order to make up for disconnecting parts of the human DNA in the beginning of their interaction with the humans.  They wanted to “liberate” humans, and by doing this, also liberate themselves.

“(Inanna speaks) I saw my future.  I would descend into human form, become human, and attempt to activate the divine gene in my selves.  I would separate myself in varying portions and take many incarnations.  I would dare to make myself vulnerable and be born into human flesh.  I chose a wide variety of experiences through particular bloodlines.  Even though I would descend into Earth time, I knew this Being of Light would always be with me, and I would never be truly alone again.”

Inanna then describes how she started to “ease into” the human experience, with the help of spiritual mentors (including a “Being of Light):

“I decided to begin slowly.  In the Himalayan mountains, there lived a group of humans who had banded together in search of wisdom.  By praying and meditating, they were hoping for a vision which might bring them truth.  As an experiment, I generated a holographic image of myself, slightly modified, and I appeared to them.  Wearing white robes, I surrounded myself with a modest amount of light and focused on the thought of Love shown to me by the great being.......Their innocence and gratitude caused me to love them, and the more I loved, the more solid I became.  I was a little afraid, but I could not help loving them.  Their joy was a sweetness I had never known.  As my physical density increased, I knew that soon I might forget, that I might not remember who I was or why I had come here.  I thought of all the others I would become.  The force of my loving and compassion set into motion one hundred I ....descended onto Terra to experience all the limitations of flesh and blood.”

Of course, Inanna eventually forgot who she was and experienced many challenges and well as many triumphs and beautiful any human! 

The book later describes other Anunnaki joining Inanna in her adventure: Ninhursag, and Enki, and then Ningal, Nannar, Utu, Ninurta, Ereshkigal, Nergal, and many others!  Often they would incarnate into their own bloodlines, incarnating into the lineages they had created and were already a part of. 

“As for their experiences, you’ll have to ask them.  Perhaps they are you.”

“We all knew the dangers that lay ahead of us.  We might never remember who we were; we might get lost.  We took a vow to help each other REMEMBER whenever and however possible.”

Enki calls it “Time Cloning.”  Clones can happen naturally—identical twins are an example. 

Enki already had a HUGE bloodline, and so he also needed a HUGE number of incarnations to match that!  He wanted to learn as much as possible in as many ways as possible.  He wanted to bypass the “only bloodline” kind of hierarchy, too.  He wanted to show that any being, no matter now big or how small, is important and worthy of our respect and love.  He wanted to be a part of the great “Age of Aquarius,” to join with all the beings on Planet Earth to bring a new world into focus, one where we all activate our Spirits and connect in Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. 

Enki, and the others who may have been “famous” or “especially revered” or “royal” or in some way “special” are no longer so!  That is the ultimate truth of our PRESENT TIME.  We are, each of us, worthy of the love of All-That-Is, and we, each of us, are vibrations of light, of music, of love, of wisdom, of truth, of communion.  We are each “royalty” and we are each “the messiah.”  It is the Age of Aquarius, of equality, of freedom to be you and me.  In fact, more than this, it is the urgency of being you and me, because each of us is needed to do our part, to make the Vision real, to connect “Heaven to Earth.”

Next time somebody tells you that they were somebody “famous” or “mythical” or “historical” in a past life, use your own intuition about it.  You can regard them on many different levels.  You can get a clue to how they see themself...and how they want to grow.  You can understand their motivations.  You can encourage them to embody the best traits of their Soul, and to let go of their fears, guilts, and other feelings that may hold them back from accessing the LOVE that is at the center of EVERY Soul.  And you can love them, whether your intuition agrees with them or not.

So do I put my hands on my heart and then open them to you.  We are all kin.  We are all neighbors.  We are all each other’s friends, brothers, sisters, keepers. 

Look into the eyes of the next person you see, and you may see your own Soul reflecting back to you.  We are, indeed, each other.  And we are here together, HERE and NOW.  Let us begin our new journey “on the level,” as we walk, together, into this exciting and beautiful new world. ;-)

by:  Peggy Andreas


Regressionist Atasha Fyfe:

Shaman/Artist Imelda Almqvist:

Jane Roberts (Channeler/”Speaker” for Seth)

V.S. Ferguson, writer of Inanna Returns

Opening of the Heart:

How to Deal with a “Famous Past Life”


Inanna Returns by V.S. Ferguson (You can download this book for free on her website

The Education of Oversoul Seven by Jane Roberts (part 1 of the Oversoul Seven Trilogy)

Adventures in Consciousness and Psychic Politics by Jane Roberts

Magic Past Lives by Atasha Fyfe

Discovering your Past Lives by Gloria Chadwick

Expressions of the Oversoul

 It's worth noting that neither Jane Roberts nor Seth coined the word "oversoul". It comes into the English language via Emerson, with whose works Jane must have been familiar. Emerson's friend Noah Webster was inspired by him to include the neologism in his Dictionary, where the first definition read: Oversoul (n) "the spiritual element of the universe which is infinite and from which finite souls draw their being and support". Jane's usage, of course, is different. The oversoul becomes an individual consciousness operating beyond time and space that is at the same time the con-soul (my coinage) of a group of personalities.

– Robert Moss
“Oversoul” is a term that Jane Roberts, the innovative writer and psychic used. Think of your myriad reincarnational selves as planets in a solar system. The Oversoul is the Sun! The Oversoul exists “outside of time” and can operate in a frame-of-reference that is 5th dimensional and beyond. The Oversoul serves as the Heart-Center, maintaining contact with all the expressions of itself through time. For this reason, I like to think of the past, present, and future as Expressions of the Oversoul.

Jane and Seth (the Spirit she channeled) always stressed this basic maxim: “The Power is in the Present.” This is true with reincarnation especially, for we can only use the information we receive from reincarnational memories in our own present. Your different incarnations experience their own “presents” and in their own characteristic styles. As a Pagan artist, I like to think of each incarnation as an artwork of the Artist/Oversoul. Others may see their different incarnations as stories, each told by a Master Storyteller. Still others may find each incarnation as a game invented by a Mistress Inventor. These artworks, stories, and games often draw on each other for inspiration, and even overlap at times.

It makes no difference how you view the creative process of incarnating. The essence of the process is creativity. Creativity means learning to know the self, expressing the self, sharing the self with others, and letting go of parts of the self that are ready to be released. At its most advanced form, this process is pure, natural joy.

Time is simply a dimension (the 4th dimension), like length, width, and depth are dimensions. Through inter-dimensional interchange, different Expressions of the Oversoul can communicate and share with other Expressions of the Oversoul. I have learned that as I find out about my other incarnations, I develop relationships with them. Certain of my Expressions were “unfinished” in one way or another; and maybe in this life, if I choose, I can “finish” them in a creative way. Others seem to have resolved themselves, and those provide me with a foundation and a fountain of spiritual nourishment combined with practical knowledge...almost like having a psychic family to share their experiences with me.

Occasionally, people form an intense attraction or repulsion (or both!) to certain of their incarnations. It can become an obsession. If you find this happening to you, remember that obsessions can be turned to creative advantage. Instead of torturing your friends with constant harping on your particular penchant, you can work with that Expression in a creative union, a partnership, a collaboration.

Writing is a good way to work in such a partnership between dimensions. The two of you can create dialogues, stories, novels, and, as the threads begin to weave a pattern, you will find that you can work out any “kinks” that have echoed between your two magically-entwined lives.

Remember, always, that “love finds a way” — and DO love your Oversoul’s myriad Expressions as you love yourself! With this kind of intense relationship, you must remember not to be too hard on yourself or your partner in a destructive way. Also remember, however, that it’s good sense to work hard if you have a lot of energy to work out. Check yourself as you work to see whether your actions are resulting in something positive for you both. If not, stop and ask for guidance.

Spirit-guides are becoming known by many people, but did you know that everyone had at least ONE incarnation which is a direct-access bridge to the Oversoul? At least that’s what my guides have told me. As you discover your own incarnations, you will most likely find that a certain incarnation seems to bring the different melodies of each Expression into one big harmony. That is, you’ll have an incarnation that is so plugged into the Oversoul that a spiritual attunement can occur. Some would call it an “enlightenment.” This particular incarnation can be a great source of self-understanding, but rather than a guide, this incarnation can be more like a friend, a friend who has been through many of the same experiences that you have, one who has a “new” way of perceiving life/death/eternity, one who has “graduated” and is a beginning student in a “new school.” It is likely that this bridge-self may make mistakes from time to time, but any beginner knows that is the way to learn!

There are countless ways to use the awareness of Expressions of the Oversoul to enrich your everyday life. The way we experience the basics of food, clothing, and shelter is culturally learned, but our memories of other Expressions can bring deepened meaning into these experiences. Establishing links from your own personal Expression to other Expressions of your Oversoul can enhance the enjoyment and sharing of everyday activities—for instance, cooking!

In one of his books, Dick Sutphen (a past-life regressionist) describes how his friend, the artist Paladin, often channels other Expressions when cooking. He tells of one particular delicious dinner they shared where Paladin channeled an incarnation from ancient India. The dish included almonds. “Almonds were worth a man’s life in my time,” the Indian incarnation told them through Paladin’s lips. Ruth Montgomery, a metaphysical storyteller, writes of remembering an incarnation where, as a hermit, she cultivated and ate almost nothing but Butterbeans, for which she retains a great love, relish and respect even to this day!

If you wish to draw out a certain attribute in yourself, sometimes an article of clothing or adornment from another Expression will help—especially if that article has a special symbolism for you. For instance, I like to wear sashes and clothes that swirl when I move. This seems to harken back to a time as a dancer, and it seems to draw out a certain grace in my own movements.

Living spaces, gardens, and various environments will also call certain Expressions to the fore. You may find that you want to create spaces where you can enjoy the arts, crafts, and celebrations of a “remembered” culture or group of cultures. In fact, sensitivity to cultures other than your own can be enhanced by getting in touch with your other Expression and delving into this kind of study can bring a heightened awareness of your own culture. The more cultures you can truly appreciate, the more you can feel kinship with your brothers and sisters on the planet.

Getting in touch with “future” Expressions is a unique adventure that can be exciting! All is undiscovered, and inventions and inspirations often occur when the “future” is “remembered.” This is a fun way to work toward solutions for modern problems such as pollution, the population explosion, and war.

By expressing your Expressions, you may begin to uncover certain dominant themes that seem to run through and connect all your lives like repeating colors or patterns through an intricate tapestry. These repeating themes are your real connection to the Oversoul from your own perspective. These themes are often expressed through extremely mundane matters—food, shelter, clothing, relationships to others on the planet, etc.; but sometimes the smallest things have the deepest meaning!

Simplicity is the core of the Oversoul. As we express the Variety of our Being, the Oversoul expresses the simple Unity. To give, accept, and embody Love—this is the Oversoul’s work; and the Oversoul always works for the good of all, according to free will. Blessed Be in the Expressing!

by:  Peggy Andreas

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Prosperity for Starseeds

“Live Long and Prosper,” says the fictional Star Trek character Spock, in a traditional Vulcan greeting.  I’ve liked that greeting since I first heard it; and I use it myself from time to time.  My favorite affirmation, when beginning the day, is “May I prosper all I meet; may all I meet prosper me.”  It helps keep me focused on the wonderment of life’s goodness and the enjoyment of everything that life has to offer.

Many Starseeds find themselves challenged with finding a steady sense of Prosperity in their lives.  Why is this?

There could be any number of reasons.  Starseeds often feel oppressed by others on this planet....and, conversely, they often feel responsible for others on this planet!  Either way, they are not paying attention to their own energy.  And this is what is needed to be prosperous.

Our natural energy, when we let it, connects us with All-That-Is.  If we feel threatened or attacked, we shield that natural energy, compress it, or keep it hidden somehow.  If we feel responsible for others, we use that energy on their behalf.  This depletes us and takes away the learning that others need to do for themselves.

Neither of these two options works for prosperity.

So, what DOES work?

For me, the most important part of my Prosperity work is to say "thank you" to All-That-Is, to the Universe, for my blessings.  And we all have good things in our lives, even if it is just sunshine, flowers, air, water, or loving friends and family.

Express your gratitude.  It could be to a God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Saint, your own Greater Self, your Oversoul, your Angel, All-That-Is, the Universe, the Multiverse, etc.  Or you can address your thankfullness directly to the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, a Tree, a Lake, the Ocean, etc.  If you have trouble with the words “gratitude” or “thankful,” then simply say, “I am so happy you are here.”  If words are inappropriate, you can use a gesture.  I like to open my arms, and then bring my hands to my heart.  Another beautiful gesture is to throw a kiss.  Or simply touch the Earth and thank this lovely planet for being here.

What IS important is to be truly grateful. In many ancient tribal traditions, Gratitude is connected to the Wisdom of Life, and is often connected to the North Direction, the Direction of the Ancestors.  The Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono is also good to use.

Everyday, find something to be thankful for.....and state your thankfulness. Stating it out loud makes it even more powerful.  Singing, chanting, dancing, drumming, etc. your gratitude makes All-That-Is take notice.  You can also include an offering as a “thank you,” for instance, thanking the birds for their beauty and song by giving them some birdseed every once in a while.

A further exercise....when you are paying your Bills, be thankful for the people who trust you by giving you utilities, goods, etc. and trusting you to pay them. Thank them as you pay your Bills and bless your Bills as you send them out into the world. 

As the money circulates, so does the good feeling! And those good feelings DO come back to you....... ;-)

Prosperity is a way of living and thinking,
and not just having money or things.
Poverty is a way of living and thinking,
and not just a lack of money or things. "
—Eric Butterworth


When we are grateful for what is in our life, we value it.  And when we value something, we take care of it.  So make sure you take care of the place where you live, your “food, shelter, and clothing,” your environment, and your own body.  Housekeeping is a great way to integrate prosperity energy into your environment.  Clear out all negativity and invite positive energy into your space.

If you have a place where dirt or clutter has been building up for a while, cleaning out that place can really rev up the prosperity energy.  For instance, cleaning your oven or your garage. (Perhaps sprinkle some powdered cinnamon or allspice on your carpets before vaccuming!)

Just like clearing out your chakras periodically, it’s a good idea to go through your material “stuff” and recycle what you can, give away what you don’t need, and help the energy to get moving!  And it makes you feel good if you can give something to somebody that really can use it.  Dispose of so-called “junk” in the appropriate way. 

You can even expand this gesture to include your community.  You can join with others to clean up the neighborhood by picking up litter or helping to organize recycling campaigns.  You can organize a community yard sale.  If you are creative, you can think of many ways to take care of (and beautify) your local area, or an area for which you have a special feeling.


What IS money, anyways? There are many theories as to how money came to be.  Perhaps money is a way that “logical, mathematical” minds separated the FLOW of Prosperity into PARTICLES that could be counted and quantified.

In modern times, money is a a symbol and a "place holder" of the Energy of the Community. We share the wealth of our resources through these coins and pieces of paper and plastic that represent something precious. Those who have a lot of money have the power of the community in their hands. What they DO with this power is important to note!

We can liberate money from any kind of negativity; we can free money from its mastery over us.  Money can be our friend.

Often we block prosperity from our lives because we believe in scarcity. We're taught there are a limited number of pieces to the pie and if we get more, others will have less. But everything is energy and the universe is infinitely abundant with energy, so there are no real limits to what can be created.   (Pamala Oslie)

Money is not the only condition of prosperity, of course. One can tap into many resources. I can walk down the street, completely broke, and meet a friend who has an extra meal to share. I can meet someone who needs a roomate and can give me work to do, in order to pay for the room. Ideally, my work for them will be just as needed as their help for me!

What keeps many people from working with money successfully is the way we have been programmed from birth to FEEL about money.  We typically hold plenty of emotions and beliefs about money...many of which tend to conflict with each other!  It can be difficult to get a handle on our own deep (sometimes unconscious) fears about money; but it is essential if we want to get to the root of our problems.

“Money in many ways still remains a taboo subject. We’re taught it’s impolite to talk about how much something cost or how much money someone earns.  It’s a powerful symbol representing many different things to many different people. It can symbolize the comfort of being taken care of and loved, as well as bring up issues of dependence and survival. It can symbolize power, control, adoration or seduction.” (Dr. Robi Ludwig)

In order to create an openness to prosperity, we first must examine our personal feelings and beliefs to see if we are setting up any roadblocks to our goals.  For instance, many people believe that “Money is filthy lucre.”  Or “Rich people tend to be corrupt and selfish.”  Or “To walk a spiritual path you should give away your possessions.”  If one agrees with these statements, one may be rooted in attitudes that prevent one from moving ahead in one’s job, from receiving financial windfalls, or simply from making enough money to live comfortably or provide for one’s family.

Often, the beliefs we’ve been taught can contradict each other:  ''If you work hard you'll be all right'' — but ''You shouldn't want money too much.'' And ''Money is a good thing to have, it's okay to have a lot of money — but it's not a good thing to want it!'' ''You must be financially independent, but money is the root of all evil.''

Probably the deepest feelings come from what Prosperity Consultant Phil Laut called “Inherited Purpose.”  This is the (mostly subconscious)  purpose that you got from your parents/guardians/teachers:. ''Be strong and don't feel,'' ''Take care of others before yourself,'' ''Don't make us ashamed of you,'' “Don’t make mistakes,” ''Don't disappoint anyone,'' and so on.  Phil admitted that his own “Inherited Purpose” was “to make up for what I thought my father lacked.”

As Starseeds, we may become further aware of purposes inherited from past lives or other dimensions, too.  Keep peeling back those layers so you can get at those inner blockages and deterrents to your own ability to function freely and abundantly!

Phil says, and I agree with him, that there is a congruence between Spirituality and Money. Earning the income you prefer from work that satisfies you is the expression of this congruence.  Our true purpose....our bliss....comes from within.  Once we get clear with that, we are well on our way to true Prosperity.  When we find our true purpose, we can align our inner energies—our passion, creativity, attention, and will—with the power of the universe itself to make manifest our UNIQUE spiritual path.

One attitude that really squashes our ability to be Prosperous is Cynicism, which is really a kind of way to suppress your own creative nature.  You don’t have to believe in anything... but let your mind be open enough to entertain possibilities.

"Cynicism is often seen as a rebellious attitude in western popular culture, but in reality, our cynicism advances the desires of the powerful: cynicism is obedience." –Alex Steffen

Once we heal our relationship with money, the energy we create with it will fill the world with love.  Barbara Wilder goes so far as to note “Money is Love” on every check she writes. Can we truly infuse money with love?  Why not?

“There is no difference in manifesting a parking space or a million dollars.  The only limits to your magic are those you impose upon yourself.”  (Laurie Cabot)

Laurie believes that self-esteem and proper self-love are at the core of successful magic and successful living.  She suggests that working on expanding these qualities in yourself will naturally bring you more prosperity and creativity.  You will be able to give more to your community and will naturally get more back from your community.  The flow will be more positive.

"To me, true prosperity begins with feeling good about yourself. It is also the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. It is never an amount of money, it is a state of mind.." (Louise Hay)


I have found that when we don’t reduce our desires to specific forms, we open ourselves up to options that may be much better for us!  We open ourselves to Synchronicity, to Magic, and to opportunities that may be totally unexpected, but fit us to a “T.”

That doesn’t mean we can’t work for specific forms, we can!  But when we ask for something specific (say, a certain car like a 2015 Porsche), we can add “or something better!” 

One way we can work for essence is to get to the source of our FEELINGS on what we want or desire.  For instance, we may think we want a specific kind of house in a specific kind of neighborhood or location.  But when we get in touch with our FEELINGS, we may simply want a feeling of comfort, connectivity, privacy, and a linkage to the elements of Nature.  We can give that FEELING a “color,” perhaps Green or maybe even a descriptive color like “EARTHY.”  That way, whenever we start worrying about where we will live or how will we find the right place, we can think of our “color” and relax into that.  If our FEELINGS are aligned with our goals, then it will be easy for those who are looking for us to find us and connect with us.  That way, everybody wins!

It also helps if, every so often, to give some money and resources to further work which you feel is important.  Or just to do some good in your community.  As my mother taught me:  if you give to others, it will come back to you.

"A sense of abundance gives us the freedom to participate fully in our lives by doing what we can to assist others. If we do not ourselves feel rich, how can we give to others what has been given to us? In this way, abundance becomes the rainbow shining through the storm, the promise of our divine destiny." (Rick Jarow)

There are lots of ways to keep focused on the positive power of Abundance.  Use the healthy sensuality of our earthly existence: sounds, smells, images, textures, tastes, etc.  Some people like to wear a little bell or jingles to remind themselves that Prosperity is all around them.  Catherine Ponder has a saying, “There is gold dust in the air!!!"  That’s a good image that resonates with me. An image can be placed where you will see it, often!  Some people use Basil which, carried in the wallet or purse, emits a lovely scent that reminds many of richness and strength.  Also, wearing a  scent like “Gypsy Queen Oil” (available from Fat Chance Belly Dance Catalog–it contains Sweet almond oil and a variety of essential oils such as sandalwood, patchouli and lavender) can remind you how you truly deserve a life of prosperity.  Or eat foods that will cause your body/soul to more easily manifest what you need.  This is a creative endeavor and it can be so much fun to discover our positive reminders for Prosperity!


I have learned a lot from Marion Weinstein’s book, Positive Magic, in which Marion teaches that the best and most effective work is for the good of all only, and according to free will--Thus harming none.

This is totally in line with the oldest spiritual teachings of the many religious traditions, including the Talmund, which says,"True wealth is abundance that does not create scarcity."  Many ancient tribal cultures place Goddesses as rulers of the Oya in Western Africa!  Indeed, true wealth means that when we become more prosperous, so does our world and our local community.  This is because, like true spiritual Kings and Queens, we serve each other and through each other, All-That-Is.  And each of us is a true spiritual King and Queen.

Our career (which often consists of several jobs that hone our skills, and many experiences that teach us what we can give to the world) is something that can be part of our Prosperity.  We need to remember, though, whatever we do at any time, we can bring our own Spirit into the world with love and goodness.  For instance, one might feel a calling to be a Healer.  However, one’s talents may be in Music!  Well, perhaps our Music can provide a catalyst for healing for many people!  Even people working mundane jobs (for instance, as a grocery clerk, mailman, or secretary) can bring love to others who need it and lift the spirits of their world.

“As you open to Love, you are opening to Love Energy in the form of money and abundance in all you need....keep working on your heart opening exercises and know that you are open to receive money, a good job, prosperity and financial security.” -- Anne Jones


"Money is the visible sign of a universal force, and this force in its manifestation on Earth works on the vital and physical planes and is indispensable to the fullness of the outer life. In its origin and its true action it belongs to the Divine." -- Sri Aurobindo

Why are we here on Earth?  For many reasons, I’m sure.  However, the main reason is just TO BE.  And if we are going TO BE, why not BE JOYFUL?

When I think of JOY, I think of the earthly elements.  When I was born here, my body joined with the elements and TOGETHER we are creating a life on Earth that is limitless in its Joy.

Water is a lot like money!  If you let go of your fear and relax, water will hold you up.  You can float on its infinite goodness.  You can swim in its support.

Fire is a lot like money!  You can enjoy spending it and using it to keep yourself and others warm and dry and beautiful.  You can try out ideas with it and even have fun playing with it!  It is a source of creativity and fun.

Air is a lot like money!  It moves around in many quick ways.  It can bring messages and changes into our life.  It can be used to communicate and to connect with others in positive ways.  Its nature is to circulate, so that whatever you contribute will come back to you in some shape or form.

Earth is a lot like money.  Like the Pentacles in the Tarot deck, money can bring a foundation to our life and to our family.  If we feel financially secure, we can build on that and enjoy the material aspects of life so much more, sharing them with others, and using them in alignment with good solid principles of life, love, and joie de vivre!

Which brings us to “the Fifth Element,” that some call Spirit, or “The Force,” or “Magic,” etc.

Tosha Silver is a teacher of Alignment with Divine Energy, however you perceive “The Divine.”  It could be God or Goddess, All-That-Is, or your own Higher Self ( or Expansive Self, as I like to call it).  Tosha notes that many people become frustrated with the popular so-called “Law of Attraction” when it doesn’t work as they expect it to work.  She says that they reach a point where they become so EXHAUSTED chasing desires that they become radically open to another way.  At that stage in their development, they begin feeling “a profound longing to open to the Divine.”  She calls this “Stage 4.”  Then what happens:

Stage 5: You start to see that by holding a high vibration aligned with the Divine, everything that NEEDS to happen, really DOES. Trying to manifest stuff feels like an old, exhausting burden. Desires are offered over to the Divine rather than clutched. A feeling of peace arises as you let go.

Stage 6: Alignment with the Divine slowly grows. Miracles accelerate. Trust comes that the Universe actually knows what it's doing, has your back, wants to lead the way for you, and loves you madly.

Stage 7: You discover that some of those deepest desires were actually the Divine Plan all along. (And the ones that weren't you no longer wish anyway). The Universe just wanted you to learn to let go, relax, surrender, and receive.

Optional but Exceptionally Lucky Stage 8: You no longer care much anyway since along the way you fall madly in love with the Divine too and begin to want what S/he wants ...even if it's the same as You. The longing to serve Hir starts to take over; you want to give in ways you never dreamed possible and to be useful to Hir. And S/he answers your prayers.

Tosha calls this “living with OUTRAGEOUS OPENNESS,” and it does work!

Fears and resistance about money can be released by surrendering — often a tough concept for those who have been "successful" by the usual standards of society. Releasing fears and resistance is more empowering when you open to wellness and abundance and prosperity, rather than being preoccupied with overcoming sickness and poverty. Being attentive to personal development and growth is another powerful focus of attention. You release by letting go. Relief comes by no longer resisting.  (Jeanie Marshall)

And remember, RELAX and have fun!  Learn to know your Intuition and learn how it works!  How does it feel when it “rings the inner bell”?

"After all, who among us doesn't know that anxious and tense people emit a particular scent? Who doesn't notice how open, deeply intuitive people radiate a certain innate sexiness? Have you never been inexplicably drawn to someone simply because of their lucid, palpable, bright-eyed connection to the exact moment they're in? There you go.

"Wait. Be not mistaken. There is no lighthearted panacea here. Fluffy maxims like "be more present" and "notice the opportunities around you" may flit around happily in this realm, but the truth is, opening yourself to deep reality and defeating endless anxiety and dread is, for many, furiously difficult. Requires practice. Dedication. Time. Years. Lifetimes. Particularly when faced with the biggest cosmic paradox of all: luck likes you best when you're looking for it the least. How utterly fortunate is that?"  (Mark Morford)

6.  The Future of Prosperity

Then one day in 1975 my teacher, Russell Schofield, introduced me to a brand new idea. He said that in the new era, which we were then approaching, and now, twenty-seven years later, are on the very cusp of, humankind would begin to understand prosperity in a new light. He said simply that it was time for the good guys to have the money. He told me that a new ray of energy was being brought into the earth from the spiritual planes, which combines abundance and goodwill for all.  (Barbara Wilder)

We are living in a very interesting time.  The meaning of Prosperity itself is changing.  Knowing the history of money is important, because if we know how the system started, we can more easily participate in changing it, or perhaps inventing new ways of energy sharing and energy exchange in this world.  We can take the best of the old and combine it with the best of the new in unique ways!  And we can share this uniqueness with each other.

There are many ideas that may appeal to Starseeds and others who are looking to create futuristic systems.  There are also many ancient ideas that may have renewed relevance in light of a spiritual view of money.

Some interesting ideas:

*The Sacred Marketplace

“We are on the cusp of a new era in human history. The old order is fighting desperately to maintain its domination, but it won't win because its time has passed. A new balance is coming into human experience. To help facilitate the new alignment, we can begin to create a sacred marketplace – one based on love not fear – simply by changing the way we think. When enough of us have made this change in consciousness the human race will make a quantum leap that we can only just begin to imagine.” (Barbara Wilder)

*The Slow Money Movement

“To catalyze the flow of capital to local food systems, connecting investors to the places where they live and promoting new principles of fiduciary responsibility that “bring money back down to earth.”

*Social Entrepreneurs and Green Business

“Calling all socially conscious entrepreneurs, mission-based business owners, authors, trainers, coaches, independent professionals, and love-driven agents of social change!”

*Public Bank Solution

“The benefits of bank credit can be maintained while eliminating these flaws, through a system of banks operated as public utilities, serving the public interest and returning their profits to the public.”


Michael Tellinger presents a model for a new social structure called CONTRIBUTIONISM – A World Without Money – based on the African philosophy of UBUNTU and proposes how we should move from a moneydriven society to a society driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. Where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their community – and money has no meaning.

These are just a few NEW WAYS of looking at Prosperity as we, together, create a new world.  It’s certainly a challenge to remain open and connected to our intuition while dealing with the daily give-and-take of energy-exchange.  It is nothing but the ultimate task of growing up and taking our places as MATURE SPIRITUAL BEINGS balanced in the CENTER of our POWER, TOGETHER, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL, ACCORDING TO FREE WILL. 

Rick Jarow, in his Anti-Career Workshop, brings us to the CENTER of that ultimate challenge, which he locates in the third (GOLDEN! Manipura/Solar Plexus) Chakra:

"We can receive guidance revelation; that is our divine birthright.  We can receive guidance in an innumerable variety of forms.  But the guidance we receive may not be for anybody else.  We do not have the license to force our vision on anybody else.  Moreover, as I've said before, a true vision needs to be brought down, shared, and tested in the marketplace.  Now think about this:
In the history of the world as we know it, no revelatory tradition has been part of a democracy.  Revelatory traditions tend to lend themselves to authoritarian hierarchies..  And one of the great challenges we face in our time is to open to the energy of revelation and direct intuitive reception, as we simultaneously remain open to the energy of democratic interaction. sharing and respecting the visions of others.. . . .Therefore, you can listen to anybody.  You can receive information from anyone.  But YOU are the final arbiter of what is true for you, what is not true for you.  If it resonates for you, you take the information and you make it your own.  And if it doesn't resonate for you, you let it go.  This is why you need a strong third chakra as you open up to the direct perceptive energy of intuition.  After all, many people open up their higher centers.  But they have not totally opened up the other centers.   And so they receive very high visions, but it is still through the lens of their own conditioning.  And that is fine, until they assume that their own conditioning works for your conditioning as well.  And if you buy into that, once again, you'll lose your power, you'll become dependent, and you'll move out of the field of abundance.  Therefore, trust yourself.  True empowerment, true opening to revelatory energy is entirely based on your ability to be mature, to stay in your own power.  And to take your space as an adult on this Earth." 
(Rick Jarow)

And the more mature adults cooperating and partnering and allying with each other, the better.  Obviously, the old order is crumbling.  Let the old forms that have outlived their usefullness crumble.  There are new strengths, some of them quite ancient and forgotten, that are rising into our world.  In fact, the end of the old era has already happened, and many people/groups have been introducing the new Aquarian energies into our world.  It is our time, NOW, to demonstrate that we, the people, are claiming our Power.  And we are ready, willing and able to use our power for the good of all, according to free will.

Perhaps, in the past, we were taught to mine gold for others, to cut it out of the heart of this good Earth....but now, in this time, in this place, we can discover that there is a Spiritual Alchemy available for us to create our own spiritual gold, within us and sparkling all around dust in the air!!

7.  End

Just to remind you-- this article began with the greeting “Live Long and Prosper” by Spock!  See the photo of Spock to see the hand-gesture that accompanies the greeting.  It is a kind of blessing-sign.  Spock is wishing this to us all.

Why not, as Starseeds, do this blessing with each other?  So I say to you, my darlings:  LIVE LONG AND PROSPER.



Money is Love:  Connecting to the Sacred Origins of Money  by Barbara Wilder

Money is my Friend by Phil Laut

The Kabbalah of Money: Jewish Insights on Giving, Owning and Receiving  by Rabbi Nilton Bonder

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder (Christian-based)

Master of Disaster: A Tale of Manifestation, Mayhem & Magic
by Jan Longwell-Smiley (based on the teachings of Seth through Jane Roberts)

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

Beyond the Rainbow by Judy Kennedy

Opening Your Heart by Anne Jones

Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein

The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide by James Redfield and Carol Adrienne

Develop your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman

Expand your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman

Strategic Intuition for the 21st Century: Tarot for Business
by James Wanless

The Astrological Guide to Financial Success by Sybil Leek

CD’s and downloads:

The Ultimate Anti Career Guide: Your Life’s Work by Rick Jarow

The Advanced Manifestation Program: Shaping Your Reality With the Power of Your Desire by Rick Jarow


Meaning and Roots of “Live Long and Prosper”

Barbara Wilder
“Creating a Sacred Marketplace”

Abundance and Prosperity are More than Money

How Our Beliefs Create Money

James Wanless: Using Tarot for Prosperity (Author of the "Voyager Tarot")

Randy Gage: Moving into Prosperity

Ridding Yourself of Blocks to Prosperity

Ending Poverty Consciousness by Jeanie Marshall

Why is it hard to talk about money?

Separating Money from Emotions

Interview with Phil Laut 

Rick Jarow

Catherine Ponder

Samurai Money Moves

Manifesting Money with Self-Love

William Bloom

Tosha Silver:

From a Sorcerer’s Perspective:

Money spells:

Future Sustainable

Rainbow Witch: Joie de Vivre Path

Joie de Vivre:

Witching the Rainbow: An Introduction

A Rainbow Witch is the practitioner of the Joie de Vivre spiritual path. The Joie de Vivre spiritual path is one of creative expression and adventurous exploration. It is a marriage of art and science whose children are joy and love-of-life!

A Rainbow Witch is a multidimensional Artist who sees the world through a creative lens. S/he uses hir emotions and intuitions, hir empathy and hir imagination, to connect hir to the beauty and inspiration of the world. Nature is hir model. Hir magic is contained in hir poetry, hir drawings, hir crafts, hir music, hir rituals, and, ideally, in hir whole life.

“We are ‘artists’; it is logical, then, that we would want to express our artistry and integrity in the very way we design our lives. It doesn’t matter what we do in life; whatever we do can be done artistically. That means that we don’t have to be musicians or sculptors; we can baby-sit, pick up garbage, or wash dishes–it can all be done creatively. It is an attitude that we CHOOSE to cultivate and practice in our lives.”
                                                ----- by Sheri A. Rosenthal, DPM

A Rainbow Witch is a curious and passionate Scientist who explores the universe in order to learn as much as s/he can about the things that interest hir. S/he seeks knowledge, and that knowledge is hirs when s/he is able to use it, for the good of all, according to free will. That knowledge transforms into wisdom when s/he is able to sift through it and find the true story within.

“Magic is transformation brought about by the use of specific techniques, accomplished in accordance with natural law. The transformation can take place on a personal, group and/or global level. The use of magic can actually change what seem to be unchangeable circumstances. Magic can look dramatic – like a miracle – or it can be so gradual (as is most often the case) that it seems to be happening without any sort of human participation. The reason that magical transformation most often looks so natural is that true magic is natural. Working in accordance with natural law, magic is not really supernatural. It is truly ‘super-duper natural.’”
                            --- by Marion Weinstein, from her book Positive Magic

When Art and Science combine, something new is born! A new perspective opens up. New Energy streams into our world. The Rainbow Witch combines Art and Science in surprising and creative ways. S/he knows that by combining the two, s/he is also resolving the polarities inside hirself, and bringing an ever-more expanded understanding of life into hir world. S/he seeks to embrace life in all its facets, interacting with it with verve, passion, and gentle grace. S/he seeks to understand its movements and respect its secrets.

Joie de vivre (from the French joie, "joy"; de, "of"; vivre, "to live, living"; "the joy of living") is a term sometimes imported into English to express a cheerful enjoyment of life; an exultation of spirit. It was chosen to express the sheer exuberance of a Rainbow Witch when s/he is learning and practicing hir art and science of life and of living.

The colors of the rainbow symbolize the different dimensions that are expressed through the Joie de Vivre path. Each color corresponds to a Chakra or an Energy Band, a connection between the physical body and other dimensions. Colors are combined in both artistic and scientific ways, to make new colors!

In the past, Witches have been called “White” or “Black” depending on what type of magic they practiced. These terms just do not work well in a multi-cultural world! Both “White” and “Black” set up a dichotomy that needlessly leaks energy by opposing them. They also set up a false belief system, whereby “White” equals “good,” and “Black” equals “bad.” In reality, both White and Black have their positive functions. “White” actually includes ALL colors and “Black” absorbs all colors!

“Rainbow” magic includes a myriad of expressions and works. It was inspired by the Native American term “Rainbow Warriors,” by the writings of Isaac Bonewits (especially the book Real Magic), by my Spiritual Guide Saji (who hails from the Pleiades), and by the magic of the Rainbow itself!

The Joie de Vivre path was also founded in order to HEAL the rift between Science and Art in the modern world. Actually, there is no conflict between the two, because each describes a way of experiencing (and perceiving) the world. Science is more left-brained and Art is more right-brained.

Science is not something that burst suddenly onto the scene with the invention of “The Scientific Method.” Science existed as far back as our Ancestors existed! It is a function of human Curiosity, which resides at the center of each human’s mind. The way to awaken it is to ask “Why?” “Why?” is the question that all human children ask. If a human is open to the world, s/he engages with the world….if s/he knows how to open hirself, how to observe, how to investigate, everything tells hir its secrets---trees, rocks, animals, rivers, mountains, fire, sand, sea, the Sun, Stars, Moon, Earth and hir own body!

Our eldest Ancestors used their scientific curiosity and inventiveness to help them survive in their environment, so that their descendants (us!) could thrive! The best and most effective Science, in the long run, is that Science that accords us the joy of living in harmony and balance with All-That-Is.

When we encounter our environment, we also sense the Energy which connects it all. We FEEL Energy and EMOTE Energy. We can also CONTAIN and HOLD Energy. Energy inspires us to Create/Invent! The Passionate Scientist loves hir world and cooperates with it for the good of all. The Passionate Artist creates offerings and openings so that Energy may be exchanged on every level, according to free will.

On the Joie de Vivre path, the diversity of Energy-work is symbolized with the different colors of the Rainbow, as well as White and Black. Rainbow Witches can radiate Energy, reflect Energy, and absorb Energy. At different times, and in different places, we can be Red Witches, Orange Witches, Yellow Witches, Green Witches, Blue Witches, Indigo Witches, Purple Witches…and all the colors in between! We often delight in observing how the colors (energies) interact and dance with each other….inside of us, and outside of us! Colors actually nourish us. Working with colors (including Black and White) teaches us about our own inner being. Expressing our unique Energy includes KNOWING OURSELVES and EXPRESSING THE DIFFERENT FACETS OF OUR BODY, SOUL, MIND, and SPIRIT.

Knowing ourselves includes: knowing our inner feminine and masculine natures (“Anima and Animus”), knowing our relevant past lives, knowing our sacred animal guides, knowing our friends and guides in the spirit world, knowing our body’s wisdoms, knowing our kindred, knowing our community, knowing our guiding stars, etc. Every Rainbow Witch has a “Tool Kit” that consists of knowledge s/he has attained during her life, knowledge has been claimed by hir for hir own use.

My “tool kit” contains (or has contained) certain Oracles that work for me (like Tarot and I Ching), certain stones that resonate with my energy, certain rituals that work for me, certain objects that hold energy that reminds me to be my own best self. Each Witch’s “tool kit” is slightly different, and is not static, although certain “tools” may last throughout the lifetime (or several lifetimes), growing richer and deeper along the way!

We also make offerings of symbolic objects and gestures to each other and to different facets of Nature as Energy Exchange. This is part of our Art. Rainbow Witches often collaborate with each other, and with Friends and Guides in the Spirit World, Animal totems and guides, Plant allies, the Home Planet, the Moon, Stars, Elements, Faeries and Nature Spirits, Affinity groups, or the “Friendly Universe” in general.

The ultimate purpose of the Joie de Vivre path is to live life joyfully, mindfully, and with great love. Our path is the path of the Heart, which is the Center of the Rainbow. The Heart is where Science and Art come together in an ever-renewing, ever-expanding system of magic and discovery.

We work for the good of the Milky Way. We work for the good of all. We work according to free will. Our collaborative (art)work is a labor of love, a grand design, and a great experiment! Our Rainbow is eternal Creativity and eternal engagement with Life, which results in deep peace…the deepest kind of joy.

Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace deep peace
Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you
Deep peace of the wandering wind to you
Deep peace of the flock of stars to you
Deep peace deep peace
Deep peace of the eastern wind to you
Deep peace of the western wind to you
Deep peace of the northern wind to you
Blue wind of the south to you
Pure red of the whirling flame to you
Pure white of the silver moon to you
Pure green of the emerald grass to you
Deep peace deep peace

(Traditional Gaelic Blessing)

--by Peggy Andreas