Sunday, November 4, 2018

Message from Grandmother Idjinni

(Note: The following was channeled by me from Grandmother Idjinni)

Beloved Kin,

IDJINNI am I--Dragonness. I have been called DAM.KI.NA and Danu, I am Priestess of Tiamat, Mistress of Anu, Mother of Enki, and Grandmother to millions of you.

Yes, we are related. Many of you carry Dragon-DNA within your bodies, while others of you are related to these Dragon-children. So we are all kin to each other. And I send my warm love to all of you, for surely love creates the best family of all!

I desire to speak of my own star-tribe--Dragonkind--and our interaction with this great Being which you call the Earth, and we call Tiamat. We Dragons came here eons ago, from several locations in the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond. We came to help the Earth achieve stability in her orbit. We also came to be a part of the great elemental energies mixing and merging and evolving here. We are always attracted to the chaos and confusion that accompanies a planet's emergence, and Earth's earliest times were certainly full of both! We greatly enjoy romping in the unformed, the unpredictable, the unexpected! To us, it is a great adventure, and also an advantage! Perhaps that is why you say that Dragons are flamboyant, eccentric, passionate, energetic, self-confident, vital, and commanding. We have also gotten the reputation among you for being fierce, greedy, arrogant, stubborn, and, well....ahem....loving to be in the limelight! Those who know us well, including ourselves, might call us noble, brave, meticulous, polite, intelligent, witty, erudite, thoughtful, and even peaceful! <smile> However, even though we are peaceful, we can defend ourselves properly. <bigger smile, with teeth>

We believe that Earth is a Dragon too, and that this great Dragon called to our race from the 4 corners of the Universe to participate in her changes. We responded enthusiastically to her call. For that reason, we are greatly connected with the gravity and elements and weather of this great Being---her "feelings" and her "moods," as well as her actual physical changes. Indeed, her changes are what we thrive upon, even though some of those changes can take eons to accomplish! Yes, we Dragons can also be very patient if the change demands it. <smile> And, of course, we normally live at a much different rate of vibration than the average modern Human (our lifespan can correspond to thousands of Human-years) our patience is something of which we can be justifiably proud.

Still and all, we enjoy the swift changes of storms, hurricanes and typhoons!! We revel in the surging of the ocean and we love dancing in blizzards and racing the crackling lightning to the ground! Sandstorms in the desert are so much fun to twirl in....and great shiftings of the Earth's crust feel like a roller coaster ride to us! We love to bathe in the hot lava of volcanos and we love to experience the surprise-thrust of mountains being born! A huge waterfall tumbling down a dangerous chasm beckons us like a lover, and we surf the waves of a tsunami for giggles!

In case you are thinking that our energy is boundless, I must tell you that yes, we DO appreciate time to rest and rejuvenate, too. After all of that strong activity and play, we Dragons relax just as completely! We love to curl up in the deep cool limestone caverns of the Yucatan, to snuggle in between the soft mountains of Appalachia or in a volcano crater on some remote island, to hover gently on the cloud of mist above Niagra Falls, and to sleep on a green bed of pine boughs, curled around the trunk of a very old tree deep in the heart of an ancient Korean forest. You might catch a glimpse of us as we rest, but we usually cast a "disguise" about ourselves...and sometimes what LOOKS like a mountain may actually BE a Dragon at rest! Our "disguise" is simply done--we simply "become" part of nature. We have great powers of visualization, and we can "see" ourselves "becoming" a mountain, a cloud, a mound of tree branches. We can merge ourselves with the natural environment so well because we love, know it, and understand it so well. One of our favorite places to rest is deep within the Earth, because there we can access the exquisite energy closer to her "heart." Sometimes we sleep for decades nestled in her bosom.

Dragons are connoisseurs of natural energy. We have been here much longer than most of the other species of animal on the Earth, so we have gotten very skilled at finding the "juciest" energy on the planet. Earth-energy (what you may call the Earth's magnetic field) is our specialty, and our favorite treat. Why do you think we live such long lives? <smile> It was by finding, tracking, and sorting through Earth's emanations that we helped this lovely planet stabilize herself. Today, you can find our "tracks" in ley lines, lines of magnetic force that are laid out in grid-form, criss-crossing the entire globe. These lines (and the intersections, where the force "pools"), are basically stable; but they can change drastically when the Earth is disturbed; for instance, if there is quarrying, cutting through hills, mountaintop removal, landslides, earthquakes, etc.

We can actually sense the magnetic currents of the earth with our bodies. We call these currents "Tiamat's Blood." Many of you who have inherited our DNA can also sense these currents. When one is "on-course" one can FEEL it in the bones! Animals and plants can also sense these currents, and animals (such as geese, honeybees, and whales) can find their way by sensing these currents. (Turquoise Water's note: This matches the theory of Harry Safari, who connects this ability with a physiological feature of a tissue with a substance in it called magnetite. This has also been found in Human tissue with the Ethmoid bone in front of the vertebrate skull.


But if the magnetic flow has been disturbed, both animals and plants will avoid the area! They will feel very uncomfortable there, and for very good reason. If they are forced to stay there, or, as some Humans do, simply stay there out of ignorance, they can slip into an imbalance themselves, and become sick or mentally disturbed. This has happened to a very few Dragons, too, who have gone insane because of it. There are ways of re-directing and clearing this energy, and of healing these unfortunate beings trapped there....but it is extremely difficult work, taking much skill and much time.

On the other hand, places where the healthy Earth-energy flows in its natural course are places of power. Beings of all kinds can sense this power, and are drawn to it. Often, one feels strangely changed as one travels along the flow, or rests at the confluence of these energies. Depending on the kind of and amount of currents flowing together, one may feel either energized or very relaxed. Or, perhaps, both at once! One may also be filled a strange euphoria or a simple feeling of joy. There may be a "tingling" feeling in the body. Healing may naturally occur. Often the quality of the energy is connected with certain water-courses or mineral content of the area. All of Nature plays with these forces, and they are the stuff and substance of what Humans call "weather patterns."

Emotions and feelings of all kinds are connected to these energy-flows, and these influence each other! In fact, these are made of the same kind of energy--electro-magnetic! Dragons love to dance and frolic in these vibrations. Human dancing, singing, chanting, drumming, music- making, love-making, praying, meditating, any activities that include rhythm coupled with emotional intent, can raise vibrations on these spots quite easily! Dragons are very attracted to these "heated" vibrations because heat itself is full of the random energy that Dragons love. <smile> And the Earth's molten heart pumps the primal rhythm:

Deep in my blood I feel the flow
of galaxies.
I sense the rhythm of the universe
Simple as a child's nursery rhyme.
Simple as rock and roll.
Simple as a primitive chant.
Together, we sing health.
Together, we sing strength.
Together, we sing energy.
We ARE the song, singing the universe alive.

In this very special time, we Dragons are beginning to come out of hiding to seek a partnership (again) with our kin in the Human world. Working as a pair (1 Human and 1 Dragon), we can accomplish much--not by rigid control or dominance--but, instead, by linking our unique talents together for the good of the Planet. We work well as individuals....and we will partner ourselves with strong, Dragon-like individual Humans who respect us and can match us in bravery, sensitivity, and wit.

Let me explain that we Dragons can appear differently, depending upon how we want to project ourselves, and how you want to see us. Our usual forms (that you have so wonderfully depicted in your art and storytelling) are projections of our power, strength and connection with the chaotic forces of Nature. They allow us access to the Nature-romping that I have described. We can appear in other forms, too, including tiny forms. We can easily appear in a "hybrid" form that is a combination of Dragon/Human--usually about 8-12 foot tall. Another of our forms is a basic Human form. For instance, you may have seen depictions of maidens chained to rocks, held captive by huge Dragons so that a particular male "hero" could rescue them. Originally, these depictions showed that the particular male was really the "usurper" of the Dragoness's freedom and authority---and both the maiden AND the Dragon were aspects of the same being! In the original version of this story, the maiden's "chains" were really necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and anklets, which Dragons love to wear, and of course, she wasn't chained at all. (Which isn't to say that, occasionally, a rogue Dragon didn't capture or fight with a Human. It happened, but very rarely.)

Dragons (male and female) love metals and stones of all kinds. This is simply a facet of our love for the Earth and our enjoyment of Earth-energy. We learned about smelting mineral ores while playing with volcanos! We love the way the different metals and stones resonate, and we can actually hear the "stories" they tell, ancient stories about the cosmos and the birth of the Earth, future stories about new places to explore. We also use the different resonations to bring out certain qualities of our own projections (especially our beauty!) and to bring to ourselves more ability to sense, to visualize, to perceive, to remember, to understand, to purify, to heal, to astral travel, and to simply FEEL. We also use metal and stone for protection of certain sensitive areas.

You may have heard that we Dragons hoard our treasures, but this is not so. We DO know of places where treasure is stored and hidden, though, and we can take you to it if you appreciate it as we do. These treasures often are stored in places where the Earth energy collects and pools, and this "charges" the precious objects with an extra-ordinary power, according to the intent and character of the Dragon who visits there most often. Your old faery tales of magic rings and magic cups, etc., are related to these "charged" objects, often gifted to a Human friend by their Dragon-partner.

Part of our love of metals is expressed in our bodily decoration...and many of the Human habits of decorating the self with precious metals (including coins) and metallic liquids has been inherited from your Dragon kin. Dragons also love music, and many of your musical instruments such as gongs, chimes, cymbals, bells, and metal horns were inspired by Dragons playing with their toys of metal and fire. Dragons are quite attracted to your new electronic music, too!

There are many ways that the Dragon DNA comes out in individual Humans. Physically, the Human may be born with a "caul" or a veil over the face. Dragons are born from eggs and the "caul" is a leftover aspect of the egg membrane. It is said that Humans born with a "caul" have extraordinarily high psychic ability, and this is another inheritance from your Dragon kin.

Dragons, in our usual form, have a tender skin covered with tough, shiny scales to protect it. In our other forms, we also use metals and stones as a form of protection. Humans who are prone to getting moles or other small, non-malignant growths on their skin, are often manifesting some Dragon DNA! They are trying to grow scales! Freckles are a mild form of scaling which often carries over to the Human form. Red hair, often associated with tender skin and freckles, can also be an indication of Dragon inheritance. It is interesting that a passionate temperament is also associated with this hair-coloring; that too is a Dragon trait! <smile>

As I have said, we Dragons love change and we love unpredictability. Life has always provided this for us, and we have always responded by being the unique, spontaneous individuals we are. We are definitely strange attractors! <smile> We ride Chaos as humans ride US, wave upon wave, particle upon particle! We know that if we just experience and learn from Chaos AS IT IS, without forcing any particular form upon it, a FORM WILL APPEAR. And it will contain a new symetry and coherence, a new surprise! That's the nature of the beast. And it is OUR nature, the Dragons' nature, and also YOUR nature, my beloved kin.

So let us together ride into the untamed future! <big smile> Let the Dragon Blood sing! Rrrrrrwwwwwoooooooooaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr! (Translation: "Let Freedom Ring!!!")

by:  Peggy Andreas

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