Monday, July 15, 2019

Cosmic Mystic Surf Report

You've completed the first level of Dimensional Surfing.
It's time to go to the next level.
Don't worry.
You ARE a beginner here.
But you already know some things.

You know how to relax.
You know how to "hold on loosely."
You know how to align with the Wave.
All these things will serve you well.

Commit yourself to the Jump.
Jump just BEFORE the Wave.
If you do it right,
It will carry you and give you a great ride.
If you do it wrong,

Wipeout can be refreshing.
It can immerse you in your Milieu.
It can clean you and shake you up,
And give you a new perspective.
But don't dwell on it.
Crawl out onto the beach,
And begin again.

The purpose of this level is to
Completely align with the Energy
Of Water and Wave,
Of Particle and Flow,
Everything clicking into place.
Moving and yet,
Perfectly still.
Both at the same time.

At this point, there is no time.
You are One with the Wave
In the Zone,
In the Portal.
In the Eye.
Stay there as long as you can.
Expand within the Eternal Now.

Eventually, with practice,
You will see the others in the Zone with you.
You will see the Light that connects you
And expands you.
Portions of us are recognizing ourselves
As a planetary consciousness,
A water-being consciousness,
A Planet-Water-Spirit Consciousness
That is in itself a beacon to the rest of the universe.

This level is for healing
The programmed illusion of separateness
And feeling our connection, our wholeness,
In ecstasy.

This level is for expanding our "I"
To planetary proportions,
Networked together into One.
Experience yourself moving through this network like a river,
Streaming beyond the limits,
Traversing the Planetary Ocean like some

You might get a panic-attack.
You might feel you are losing yourself
In the vast expanse of All-That-Is.
But you are not losing yourself.
You are gaining a new Identity.
You are gaining a new "Eye."
You are seeing the reality for the first time.
The next level
The next dimension
The next evolutionary step.

Surrender to the Love in the Water,
Always free.
Take it easy.
Take a chance.
It's the Big One.
Just keep breathin'.

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